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Interactive Exercises for Cross-Cultural Psychology- Encounters With a Complex World
商品訊息描述:Interactive Exercises for Cross-Cultural Psychology provides material for interactive discussion of a range of topics in cross-cultural psychology, including regional and indigenous psychology; symbolic and expressive psychology; identity; social perception and cognition; interpersonal interaction; emotion, motivation, and health; development and family; government and law; economics and work; environmental psychology; animals and other species; and the psychology of recreation and sport. It will help students apply cultural psychology to social issues, and makes these issues relevant to students in health, forensic, organizational, sport and exercise, and other applied psychology fields. It offers suggestions for exposition, simulation, and confrontation of important cultural issues that matter to students, while allowing for maximum creativity in instructional design. Thoroughly and currently referenced, with connections to a wide range of accessible web-based and open-source materials, it is user-friendly across a spectrum of classroom and workshop applications, including online delivery.
- 作者: Devonis, David C.
- 原文出版社:Psychology Pr
- 出版日期:2018/06/10
- 語言:英文
Interactive Exercises for Cross-Cultural Psychology- Encounters With a Complex World
非洲友邦布吉納法索24 日晚間宣布與中華民國斷交,讓我國邦交國僅剩 18 國創下史上最低。綠委指出,有一批要運往布吉納法索的低層次軍事物資在海上航運中,國防部今(25)日表示,已跟外交部協調,相關軍品不會交給布吉納法索。
民進黨立委王定宇在臉書上指出,有一批正要運往布吉納法索的低層次軍事物資在海上航運中,貨櫃輪於 18 日離開中途運補的馬來西亞港口,外交部、國防部所屬軍備局已經下令,要求抵達非洲港口時,不准下貨,直接送回台灣。
我國過去曾軍援布吉納法索,國防部表示, 2017 年 6 月贈送 2 架 UH-1H 直升機給邦交國布吉納法索,並協助訓練飛行員。目前布國在我國受訓計 18 員,包括陸軍官校 7 員、空軍官校 5 員、戰院 3 員、陸院 2 員與戰研所 1 員。國防部表示,將配合外交部整體外交政策執行後續事宜。
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